Match In The Root Cellar
How You Can Spark A Peak Performance Culture
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Your company is a great place to work. But just because everything is “great” doesn’t mean it’s performing at its best.
To achieve the best results, you need to create and foster a peak performance culture.
In the book, Match in the Root Cellar: How You Can Spark a Peak Performance Culture, Chris McGoff— culture guru and bestselling author of The PRIMES— offers two combustible elements:
- The story of a CEO and her team—all based on real people— and how together they achieved a peak performance culture at their company despite the odds.
- A straightforward guide to reference for quick answers when developing your company’s culture.
If you’re ready to create peak performance culture at your company, this book is your match to spark that change.
Free Culture Workbook Download

The Primes
How Any Group Can Solve Any Problem
The “PRIMES” are universal and unavoidable patterns of group behavior that emerge whenever people attempt to transform systems or collaborate to solve complex problems. Unacknowledged, the PRIMES can put any leadership agenda at risk. Once mastered, the PRIMES become a force that drives intended outcomes.
An essential field guide for 21st century problem solvers and change agents, The PRIMES unveils 46 universal secrets of how to:
- Tackle complex problems successfully and deliver extraordinary results on time.
- Forge lasting consensus among competing interests and keep teams focused
and productive. - Recognize and eliminate the most destructive forces in an organization.
- Establish cultures of integrity.
The PRIMES gives leaders the edge they need to succeed. Once the PRIMES are revealed, you’ll see them everywhere!

CHRIS McGOFF is available for customized advisory services for individuals or groups.